About FBF

Children Youth Ministry

Children's Ministry

Kids World Children Praise & Worship Ministry
Purpose: To present opportunity for children to learn and discover their spiritual gifts in various ministries. Provide an arena in which the children are able to serve and display their gifts within the body of Christ once a quarter.

Manna Praise Dance
Ministry Vision Purpose: This ministry is a platform to teach children about worship as well as to exhibit an understanding about worship. Children will minister to the congregation and be used as instruments to help usher the body into the presence of the Lord.

Kids 4 Christ Worship Ministry
To teach the children worship, by identifying in the children their gifts and talents regarding worship through songs. Teach the children: Psalm 8:2, "From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of our enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger" -  John 4:23-24,  "A time will come,however, indeed it is already here, when the worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father is seeking just such people as these who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.".

Toddlers for Christ (T4C - Ages 2-4)
Teach toddlers how to praise God through song and dance. By teaching weekly Bible lessons, basic foundational stories form the Bible toddlers will learn how to apply these stories in their own lives in an animated and fun way. Teaching toddlers how important it is to share the good news of Christ with others,whether it is through a song, a dance, or just sharing their Bible lesson with a friend or family member is at the heart of our ministry. 

Theater 4 Christ Ministry T4CM
Students are encouraged to brainstorm topics for skits and to discuss roles. They will be given scriptures weekly and write one page papers on the scripture and how it relates to the scripts. Each student is required to memorize a section of skits, as well as consistently attend rehearsals.

Ushers 4 Christ
The vision and purpose of the Usher for Christ Ministry is to better serve and attend to the needs of the congregation with a servant mentality, by:

- Setting the mood for service and performing the following tasks:

- Opening doors for those desiring to worship
- Passing out bulletins

- Collecting tithes and offerings
- Attending to the need of fellow worshipers so that they may enjoy the service and to keep their minds focused on God at all times.

- Being reliable, honest, and serving with a humble spirit (I Chronicles 17:22-30). It is the job of every Usher to assist in removing distractions so everyone can focus on the word.

- Treat everyone with a spirit of fellowship and hospitality through love ,patience, kindness, discernment, actions and lifestyle. The Usher plants seeds within the congregation. (Roman 12: 1-2; 1 Corinthians 13:4-11).


H.E.R.O. means: Heavenly, Eternal, Righteous, Ones, - God has given us precious little ones to shape, mold and teach them the word of God. H. E. R. O. is design to minister to the ages of K - 5th Grade, We provide experiential worship, through object lessons, music, drama and games. All lessons are age appropriate.  We also provide take home materials to continue enable the life lessons to be taught at home. We have very qualified teachers and parental assistance for each class. H.E.R.O. is held during 10:45 AM Worship Service.

God's Littlest Angels Nursery Ministry
We provide a caring, loving and safe environment for babies birth thru two years of age. We believe that even our infants can come to know God through stories, songs,and speech 

God's Littlest Kingdom Preschool Ministry
Preschool Ministry is for children ages three to five. Our team of quality teachers and volunteers will minister to your preschoolers through - worship, the fine arts, music, and various age appropriate activities for preschoolers. 

CrossOver Jr. High Ministry
This ministry is for Preteens in the 6th - 8th grade, We offer weekly opportunities for spiritual, relational and social growth. Youth will learn how to apply God's Word to practical and relevant issues facing pre teens.  Students will also have opportunities to minister every fifth Sunday within our children's ministry in one of the following areas: administration, drama, praise and worship or puppets, We will challenge them  to live and glorify Christ in their lives.

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